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What is hyperautomation?

Written by Skaler Test | Apr 21, 2022 11:56:25 AM

Hyperautomation is the mindset of automating everything in an organization that can be automated. Organizations that adopt this mindset aim to streamline processes across their business, expanding the traditional RPA toolkit to also cover the likes of data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced analytics, and traditional software development.


Business benefits of hyperautomation?

By applying Hyperautomation mindset into daily tasks, repetitive and manual tasks are eliminated one by one. This allows organizations most valuable assets to focus on creating value to complete tasks with consistency, accuracy, and speed, which in turn, reduces costs, and generally improves the customer experience.

Automation vs Hyperautomation?

Regular automation refers to the achievement of automating a repetitive task without manual intervention. It typically occurs on a smaller scale, creating solutions designed to address individual tasks.

As opposed to task-based automation, Hyperautomation a concept of automating everything in an organization, not a set of technologies.

Tools such intelligent automation, machine learning and robotic process automation offers solutions and create new